Network Settings

Network settings include basic set of parameters that define "networking environment" of the DS. For more information see Ethernet port and network communications .

The following settings belong to this group:



Owner Name (ON) setting

Defines the owner name identificator for the DS

Device Name (DN) setting

Defines the device name identificator for the DS

MAC-address (FE) setting

Defines MAC-address of the DS

DHCP (DH) setting

Enables/disables DHCP for the DS

IP-address (IP) setting

Defines the IP-address of the DS

Port Number (PN) setting

Defines the data port number of the DS

dDNS Service Registration (DD) setting


Defines whether the DS will register its IP-address with dDNS Service of Link Server at startup

dDNS Service IP-address (LI) setting


IP-address for dDNS registration


dDNS Service Port (LP) setting


Port number for dDNS registration


PPPoE Mode (PP) setting


Defines whether and when the DS will use PPPoE

LS Auto-registration (AR) setting


Defines whether, if rejected by the Link Server, the DS will try to auto-register


PPPoE Login Name (PL) setting


Defines login name for PPPoE Access Concentrator


PPPoE Login Password (PD) setting


Defines login password for PPPoE Access Concentrator


Gateway IP-address (GI) setting

Defines the IP-address of the default gateway


Netmask (NM) setting

Defines the IP-address range for the local subnet


Password (PW) setting

Defines login password network programming