DS Manager



Device Server Manager (DS Manager) is a part of the Device Server Toolkit.


The DS Manager is used to locate, setup, manage, monitor, and upgrade Tibbo Device Servers ("DS").

Shown below is the screenshot of the DS Manager's main window . Click on the picture area to jump to the related topic or select the topic from the list under the screenshot.


The main window has the following areas and controls:

Access mode tabs provide a selection of three different access modes (auto-discovery, address book, and serial). Access modes define how the DS Manager locates and accesses the Device Servers.
Device list. The data shown in the device list depends on the selected access mode. The status icons displayed in the auto-discovery and address book access modes reflect the current state of each DS in the list. 
Status area. When you select a different access mode this area displays a brief mode introduction. Single-clicking on a particular DS in the device list displays extended information about the current status of this DS (auto-discovery and address book access modes only).
Refresh button is used to refresh the device list (auto-discovery and address book access modes only)
Actions of the following function buttons apply to a single DS (or COM port to which this DS is connected) selected in the device list:
Settings button opens the settings dialog that allows you to view and edit the settings of a particular DS;
Upgrade button launches the upgrade of the internal DS firmware;
Initialize button is used to initialize the settings of the DS to their default values;
Routing Status button (auto-discovery and address book access modes only) opens the routing status dialog that displays additional information on the current DS state (data connection state, amount of data in the routing buffers, serial port setup, etc.);
Buzz button (auto-discovery and address book access modes only) causes the status LEDs of the DS to "play" a fast-blinking pattern. This can be used to match a particular entry in the device list to an actual physical device;
Change IP button (auto-discovery mode only) is used to assign new IP-address to the DS over the network (using MAC-address of the DS as a reference).
Add, Remove, Edit and Groups buttons are used to edit the address book (address book is a manually created list of Device Servers in the address book access mode) and to manage device groups. Add button is visible both in the auto-discovery and address book access modes, while Remove, Edit and Groups buttons are only visible in the address book access mode.
Find button is used to find a DS on the list, and is visible both in the auto-discovery and address book access modes.