
The DS is programmed using programming commands that can be sent through the serial port of the DS or via the network . For each command the DS issues a reply.

All DS commands have the following format:


Optional parameter(s)

C.C. is the command code. Command code always consists of a single ASCII character. All available commands and their codes are listed in the command table at commands, messages, and replies.
Optional parameter(s) field contains necessary data if required by the command.

All DS replies have the following format:


Optional data

R.C. is the reply code. Reply codes inform the sender of the command about the result of command execution. All available reply codes are listed in the reply code table at commands, messages, and replies.
Optional Data field contains necessary data if requested by the command.

Example: here is a sample exchange between a certain device (performing the programming) and the DS. This device can be a network host (programming through the network) or attached serial device (programming through the serial port):

-->DS:         GIP

DS-->:         A192.168.100.90

In the above example programming device requests the IP-address of the DS. This is done by issuing the Get Setting (G) command with parameter "IP" (for IP-address (IP) setting ). The DS replies with the OK (A) reply code indicating that command was processed successfully, followed by the current value of the IP-address (IP) setting , which is

All commands and replies sent to the DS always have the same format, regardless of which interface is used. What is interface-dependent  is the encapsulation that is used to mark the beginning and the end of commands (replies) and how these commands and replies are sent. For more information see serial programming and network programming .