Data Login (DL) setting


(see setting description format info here)

Function:Enables or disables command-phase (TCP) programming
Set (S) command format:SDLx, where x: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
Get (G) command format:GDL
Init (I) command effect:Initialized unconditionally, through network command, serial command, or quick initialization
Post-initialization value:0 (disabled)
Change takes effect:After reboot
Overriding parameter:---
Relevance conditions:Current Transport Protocol (TP) [setting/ parameter]= 1 (TCP) AND

        current Link Service Login (TL) [setting /parameter ] = 0 (disabled)

First introduced:Earlier than "baseline" V3.14/V3.51
See also:Command-phase (TCP) commands, Inband (TCP) commands


Data Login defines whether command-phase TCP programming is enabled or disabled.

This setting is irrelevant when the current Transport Protocol (TP) [setting / parameter ] is 0 (UDP) because command-phase programming is only possible when TCP/IP is used for data connections between the network host and the DS.

Command-phase programming is disabled automatically when current Link Service Login (TL) [setting /parameter ] is 0 (disabled).