Serial Settings
Find these settings:
• In the four Serial tabs of the DS Manager's Settings dialog ;
• On the Serial Settings page of the web interface .
The following settings are available:
• Serial Interface (TPS2(G2) and TSP3(G2) only): Allows you to select the mode of the serial port. Available choices are:
oTPS2(G2) :
▪None (this serial port is not in use);
▪Tibbit #01, RS232 (full-duplex) – available on all four serial ports;
▪Tibbit #02, RS232 (full-duplex) – only available for serial ports 1 and 3;
▪Tibbit #02, RS485 (half-duplex) – only available for serial ports 1 and 3;
▪Tibbit #02, RS422 (full-duplex) – only available for serial ports 1 and 3;
▪Tibbit #05, RS485 (half-duplex) – available on all four serial ports.
oTPS3(G2) :
•None (this serial port is not in use);
•RS232 (full-duplex) ;
•RS485 (half-duplex) ;
•RS422 (full-duplex) .
• Modbus Serial Type : Master RTU , Master ASCII , Slave RTU , or Slave ASCII .
• Reply Timeout (in steps of 1/2 seconds): Maximum reply time allotted to Modbus Slave(s) on this serial port. If the reply is not received within this time limit, the Gateway will "give up" on waiting. If Modbus TCP exceptions are enabled, the Gateway will generate the "Gateway target device failed to respond" exception.
• Flow Control : None or RTS/CTS . Although the use of the RTS/CTS flow control in Modbus devices is rare, we have provided this setting anyway.
• Baudrate : various standard baud rates.
• Parity : None* , Even , Odd , Mark , Space .
• Data Bits : 7* or 8 bits/character.
• Max Intercharacter Delay (in steps of 10 ms): Used on serial ports (channels) when Modbus Serial Type (see above) is Master RTU , and the Gateway is receiving data from the attached Modbus RTU Master. This setting defines the maximum allowed delay between the reception of serial characters belonging to the same Modbus command being transmitted by the Modbus RTU Master. If this delay is exceeded, then the Gateway considers the next received character to belong to the next incoming Modbus command. This setting is irrelevant in the Modbus ASCII mode because Modbus ASCII messages use message framing characters and do not rely on idle periods (intercharacter delays). The setting is also irrelevant when the Gateway is sending data out through its serial ports (channels).
* TPS2(G2), TPS3(G2), EM2000, and other ARM-based devices do not support the combination of the 7 bits/character mode and the "None" parity mode.