TPP2W(G2) Platform

Hardware Devices Covered by This Platform

Memory Space and Key Info


66,816 bytes for application variables and data


786,432 bytes for application storage, and separately

1,048,576 bytes for data storage (dedicated flash disk memory)


2,040 bytes for application data

TiOS Firmware Version



V4.02.02 (download)


  • Added lcd.datawidth syscall

V4.01.02 (download)


  • Fixed a bug with GZip compression

V4.01.01 (download)


V4.00.01 (download)


  • Fixed HTTP headers bug causing issue with web server

V4.00.00 (download)


  • Added support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 with the ECDSA cryptosystem (secp384r1 elliptic curve profile)
  • Removed support for the GA1000 wireless add-on module
  • Removed support for the pppoe. object

V3.80.18 (download)


  • Bug fixes

Platform type

32-bit platform

Clock frequency (CLOCK) and clock control

Frequency is fixed at 120MHz

Available network interfaces

Ethernet (net.), Wi-Fi (wln.) , PPP (ppp.), PPPoE (pppoe.)(1)

GPIO type


UART limitations

Max practical baudrate ~921,600bps

7 bits/NO PARITY mode should not be used

Serial port FIFOs

1 byte for TX, 1 byte for RX

Serial port line configuration

Depends on the serial port mode

Serial port interrupts and io.intenabled


RTS/CTS remapping



Available through Tibbit modules

Pulse-width modulation (PWM)

Available through Tibbit modules

GA1000 support

YES (no longer supported from TiOS V4)

WA2000 support


GA1000 and WA2000 lines remapping


beep.divider calculation

beep.divider = CLOCK / (4 * desired_frq), beep.divider must be in the 2-65535 range

Recommended buzzer frequency divider

2,700Hz, beep.divider = 11111

Display type selection and line remapping

The 18 and 24 bit variants of the SSD1963 LCD controller are supported. Line remapping is not supported.

Special configuration section of the EEPROM

28 bytes for MAC and device password storage

Device serial number

128 bytes: 64 OTP bytes + 64 fixed bytes

Flash memory configuration


Self-upgrades for the Tibbo-BASIC/C app.

Supported through the fd.copyfirmware, fd.copyfirmwarelzo, fd.copyfirmwarefromfile, and fd.copyfirmwarefromfilelzo methods

Status LEDs (LED Control Lines)

Green status (SG) LED

Red status (SR) LED

Yellow Ethernet status (EY) LED

An LED bar consisting of five blue LEDs

Debug communications

Ethernet / UDP Broadcast transport

Ethernet / WinPCap transport

1. The sock.allowedinterfaces property refers to the Ethernet interface as "NET," Wi-Fi as "WLN," PPP as "PPP," and PPPoE as "PPPOE." The sock.targetinterface and sock.currentinterface properties rely on the pl_sock_interfaces enum, whose members differ depending on the platform.

2. Surrounding board hardware and installed Tibbits dictate which GPIO lines must be used as inputs and which as outputs.

3. Default CTS/RTS mapping is different for each serial port:

4. Although the platform itself supports remapping, actual "wires" connecting the system to the GA1000 or WA2000 are fixed and your mapping should reflect this:

Supported Objects, Variable Types, and Functions

  1. On this platform, the kp. object will normally handle the four-key sensor keypad built into the Size 2 Tibbo Project Box With LCD/Keys (TPB2L). The object can also be configured to communicate with an external keypad connected to the TPP2(G2) via Tibbits. Only one keypad can be serviced at a time.
  2. On this platform, the lcd. object will only work with the 320x240 TFT LCD with Solomon SSD1963 controller, which is built into the TPS2L.
  3. This may be an external modem connected to the TPP2(G2), a 4G (LTE) Tibbit, or a Cat-M1/NB-IoT Tibbit plugged into the board.

This platform supports the standard set of variable types and functions (a.k.a. "syscalls").

Platform-Specific Constants

TPP2W(G2) Platform

Hardware Devices Covered by This Platform

Memory Space and Key Info

Supported Objects, Variable Types, and Functions

Platform-Specific Constants