Source IP Filtering (SF) setting


(see setting description format info here)

Function:Defines whether the DS will accept incoming data connections from any network host (filtering disabled) or specific host only (filtering enabled)
Set (S) command format:SSFx, where x: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
Get (G) command format:GSF
Init (I) command effect:Initialized unconditionally, through network command, serial command, or quick initialization
Post-initialization value:0 (disabled)
Change takes effect:After reboot
Overriding param/instr:Source IP Filtering (SF) parameter
Relevance conditions:Current Routing Mode (RM) [setting/parameter]= 0 (server) or 1 (server/client)
First introduced:V3.24/3.54
See also:Ethernet port and network communications


When Source IP Filtering is 0 (disabled) the DS will accept an incoming data connection from any network host.

When Source IP Filtering is 1 (enabled) the DS will accept an incoming data connection only from host whose IP-address matches the one specified by current Destination IP-address [setting /parameter ] .

Since out-of-bandon-the-fly commands (network-side parameters issued using Parameter (P) command ) can also be considered a part of a data connection the DS will reject any such command that comes from a "wrong" IP-address while source IP-address filtering is enabled.

This setting is irrelevant when current Routing Mode (RM) [setting /parameter ] is 2 (client) because in this mode the DS won't accept incoming connections at all.