Assign IP-address (A) command


(see command description format info here)

Function:Assigns new IP-address to the DS which is referenced by its MAC-address
Can be issued through:Network (broadcasts OK, login not required)
Command format:Ammm.mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm/pp...p/iii.iii.iii.iii, where

        mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm - MAC-address of the target DS;

        pp...p - password (defined by the Password (PW) setting );

        iii.iii.iii.iii - new IP-address to be assigned to the DS

Possible replies:A, D, C, F
First introduced:Earlier than "baseline" V3.14/V3.51
See also:Authentication, Broadcast out-of-band commands


Assign IP-address command is used to set the new IP-address of a certain DS over the network. Command should be sent in the broadcast mode, the target DS is referenced by its MAC-address (supplied in the command body). All locally attached devices receive the broadcast but only the DS with matching MAC-address reacts to it.

Assign IP-address is a command of  immediate authentication type which means that the password (defined by the Password (PW) setting ) is supplied in the command body itself.

Example: if the MAC-address of the target DS is, the password is "pass1" and the new IP-address is to be then the following command should be sent:

-->DS:         A0.

DS-->:         A

Note: password field in this command should be present even if the Password (PW) setting is empty (<NULL>):

-->DS:         A0.

New IP-address is saved into the IP-address (IP) setting , just as if the  Set Setting (S) command (i.e. " SIP iii.iii.iii.iii ") was executed. Differences with the Set Setting (S) command are in that the DS starts using the new IP-address immediately (no rebooting required) and that the target DS is referenced by its MAC-address.

Rejected (R) reply code is returned if the serial programming mode is in progress. Denied (D) reply code is returned if the password is incorrect. Error (C) reply code is returned if command structure is incorrect (a field or field separator is missing) or if the field data is wrong. Failed (F) reply code is returned when the DS failed to write new IP-address into the EEPROM. This usually indicates a hardware malfunction (EEPROM failure). Since this is a broadcast command no reply is returned if no DS on the network has the MAC-address specified in the command.

When the Assign IP-address command is issued while the DS has a data connection in progress this data connection is aborted. No packet (even RST in case of TCP data connection) is sent to the network host that was communicating with the DS.