Initiator of the Data Exchange

On this step you select which side of the DS-to-DS connection will be the first to send the data.


Notice, that asking "who will be the first to send the data?" is not the same as asking "which side will be establishing the data connection to the other side?"* When making your choice imagine that there is no network at all and that two serial devices are interconnected via the serial cable. Now, which side sends the data first?

There are three choices:

Device Server #1. Select this option if the first data will be sent by the serial device connected to the DS #1.
Device Server #2. Select this option if the first data will be sent by the serial device connected to the DS #2.
Any side. In some systems the first data may come from any side. Also choose this option if you are not sure which side of your system sends the data first. 

* Although these two questions are connected- see how the Wizard decides which side open the connection.