Port Monitor



Port Monitor is a parts of the Device Server Toolkit.


The Port Monitor is used to log the activity of Virtual Serial Ports (VSPs) installed on your Windows system.

When the Port Monitor is running its icon appears in the system tray, as shown on the screenshot below.


Double-clicking on the Port Monitor's icon in the system tray brings up the main window :


The main window displays the log of registered events. The simplest way to observe the work of the Port Monitor is to open the VSP from some application program and check what kind of data appears in the Monitor (sample output is shown on the screenshot above).

You can erase all data in the Port Monitor's window by choosing File--> Clear log from the main menu or clicking clear monitor log button (shown below).


You can also copy the log data into the clipboard by first selecting the desired part of the data in the Port Monitor's window and then choosing File--> Copy from the main menu or clicking copy button (shown below).


All events logged by the Monitor can be divided into informational, warning, and error events. Preferences dialog (general and eventtabs ) defines which events are logged, what format is used to displays those events, and what action the Monitor will take when an error event is encountered.

The Monitor also features a dump function which can be used to track the data passing through a particular VSP .