DS Status Icons

Status field of the device list (available in the auto-discovery and address book access modes) displays a status icon for each DS. The status icon reflects current DS state and is updated each time the Refresh button is pressed. Listed below are all DS states that may be reflected in the device list .

The following two states can only be displayed in the address book mode :

---When no icon is displayed for an address book entry then this means that there was no response to the PING sent by the DS Manager. This indicates that there is no device whatsoever at the IP-address specified by the address book entry. For more information see troubleshooting (address book mode).
unknown_deviceUnknown device. This icon means that there was a response to the PING sent by the DS Manager (which proves that there is at least some device at the specified IP-address) but that the DS Manager cannot make sure that this is really a Tibbo Device Server. For more information see troubleshooting (address book mode).

Note. The reason why the above two states can only be encountered in the address book access mode is because in the auto-discovery mode the device list only displays Tibbo Device Servers that have actually responded to the refresh. 

All remaining icons may be displayed both in the auto-discovery and address book access modes.

The status icon consists of three parts:

The central part depicts the DS and reflects its general status and well-being:
idsman_grayNo status info available. The DS is running old firmware (2.xx or older) and the status information cannot be obtained remotely.
idsman_blueNormal state. The DS is online and appears to function properly.
idsman_redError mode. The DS is running in the error mode and requires initialization;
idsman_yellowIP-address not obtained. The DS is online but hasn't yet obtained its IP-address from the DHCP server (when the DHCP (DH) setting is 1 (enabled)). In this state the DS is not performing its data routing function. If the DS is also in the error mode (see above) at the same time then it is the error mode status that will be shown by the icon;
idsman_firmwareFirmware upload mode. The DS is in the firmware upload mode and is ready to accept new firmware file. If the DS enters this mode right after the powerup then this means that no firmware is loaded or that the firmware is corrupted.
Left part of the icon shows current data connection status:
---Idle. No data connection is established, the DS is idle (so no icon is displayed);
idsman_arpARP. The DS is sending ARP requests in order to find the MAC-address of the destination network host (or gateway) before attempting to establish a data connection;
idsman_openingOpening. TCP data connection is being established. This icon cannot be displayed for the UDP transport protocol since there is no connection establishment phase for UDP data "connections";
idsman_establishedEstablished (or being closed), no overrun. TCP data connection or UDP UDP data "connection" is established or TCP connection is being closed (there is not connection closing phase for UDP). Routing buffer overflow is not detected (within current data connection).
idsman_established_overrunEstablished (or being closed), overrun detected. Same as the above but routing buffer (Ethernet-to-serial and/or serial-to-Ethernet) overflow has been detected.
idsman_resetReset. TCP data connection has been reset by the network host (not the DS itself). This icon cannot be displayed for UDP data "connections".
Right part of the icon displays current programming status:
---No programming. The serial port of the DS is not in the serial programming mode and no network programming session* is opened;
idsman_programmingProgramming in progress. Either the serial port of the DS is in the serial programming mode or network programming session* has been opened.

Central, left, and right icon parts described above are combined into a single status icon.

Example: the following "combination" icon means that the DS is running in the error mode, data connection is currently established (but no overrun has been detected), and some form of programming (either serial or network) is in progress:


In addition to different states described above the whole status icon can be displayed in full color or grayed (see sample icons below). This only applies to local Device Servers and the auto-discovery mode ).

idsman_arp idsman_blue idsman_programmingFull color. This means that the DS Manager can communicate with the DS using "normal" IP addressing.
incompatible_ipGrayed**. When the status icon is grayed then this means that the DS Manager can see the DS but cannot communicate with the DS using normal IP-addressing. Full details on what this means are provided in the following topics: broadcast access, troubleshooting (auto-discovery mode).

Additional (and more full) status information for the selected DS (i.e. the DS whose line is highlighted in the device list ) is displayed in the status area below the device list . For example, while the status icon may show that some sort of programming is in progress the status area message will detail that the "UDP network programming session is in progress". Each status message has a clickable link that opens a corresponding help topic (all such topics can be found at DS status messages ).

Programmer's info:

The DS Manager collects DS status information (and detects DS presence) using the Echo (X) command .

* More info on network programming sessions can be found in the following topics: authentication, programming priorities.

** Actually, "watered down" as colors can still be distinguished.