Additional Info on Accessing the DS

This topic provides additional information on the access options for the DS #2.

The DS #2 can be selected from the list (using Select DS button ) or its IP-address and access parameters can be input manually. The first option is usually more convenient and requires less manual input and decisions on your behalf.

Besides the IP (or MAC) you need to specify the access method and access port for this DS. Access method is the way the Wizard will access the DS #2 in order to program it. Access port is the port to which the Wizard will send its programming commands. These options are not directly related to how the application will be accessing the DS, they just specify how the Wizard is going to access the DS.

There are two access methods:

When out-of-band (UDP) access method is selected the Wizard communicates with the DS using command UDP datagrams sent to the command port 65535 of the DS. Out-of-band commands offer a primary way of network programming that requires no preliminary setup on the DS side. This access method is suitable for all local Device Servers. It will also work with remote Device Servers unless the UDP traffic is banned by the network routers (firewalls, etc).
When inband (TCP) access method is selected the Wizard communicates with the DS by sending commands through the TCP connection established to the data port of the DS (this is the number defined by the Port Number (PN) setting of the DS). Inband (TCP) commands provide a secondary method of network programming that can be used in situations when out-of-band UDP access is impossible (for remote Device Servers). The downside is that a certain pre-programming must be done on the DS before it can be accessed using inband access method- read preparing the DS for inband access for step-by-step instructions.

Inband access method is usually utilized when out-of-band access is not possible (i.e. because of restrictions on the network). To allow future programming of the DS #2 the Wizard will preserve inband access in the DS #2 and this means that the Inband (IB) setting of the DS will be kept at 1 (enabled). Because in this mode ASCII characters with code 255 (FF) are handled in a special way the Inband (IB) setting of the DS #1 will also be set to 1 (enabled). This will ensure correct transmission of FF characters between the Device Servers.

When you select the DS #2 from the address book (through the Select DS button) the Wizard copies the access method and access port from the address book entry.