This is a legacy device. The following information is provided as it was documented originally, albeit with some corrections and changes for clarity and style.

The DS10xx is a family of Tibbo BASIC/C-programmable industrial controllers.
The DS10xx is a universal platform that is well suited for a variety of control applications. The functionality of the device depends on a Tibbo BASIC/C application created (loaded) by the user.
All devices of the DS10xx family share a number of common features.
Internally, each device contains two main boards: an NB10x0 network board ("NB"), and an IB100x interface board ("IB") that implements the I/O functionality. These boards are interconnected by an IC1000 cable. Some interface boards also carry a second "supplementary" board ("SB"). Additionally, there are two LED boards — LB1000 and LB1001. The LB1000 is attached to the NB10x0, while the LB1001 connects to the IB100x.
The DS10xx family includes the following devices:
- DS10x0 (four RS232 ports)
- DS10x2 (four RS232/422/485 ports)
- DS10x3 (four isolated RS232/422/485 ports)
- DS10x4 (eight analog inputs, four analog outputs, RS232/485 port, two relays)
- DS10x5 (eight opto-isolated inputs, six relays, RS232/485 port)
If none of standard DS10xx devices suit your needs, you are welcome to create your very own controller with exactly the set of I/Os required for your project. You can also subcontract the design and manufacturing of your custom "IB" board to Tibbo.
When used with the included waterproof cover, all devices of the DS10xx family are dust and waterproof to IP68.
Programming Features
DS10xx devices run Tibbo OS (TiOS). The following is a list of the features supported by their programming platform:
- Objects:
- beep — generates buzzer patterns
- button — monitors the setup button
- fd — manages flash memory file system and direct sector access
- io — handles I/O lines, ports, and interrupts
- net — controls the Ethernet port
- pat — "plays" patterns on green and red status LEDs
- ppp — provides access to the Internet over a serial modem (GPRS, POTS, etc.)
- pppoe — provides access to the Internet over an ADSL modem
- romfile — facilitates access to resource files (fixed data)
- rtc — keeps track of date and time
- ser — in charge of serial channels
- sock — socket communications (up to 16 UDP, TCP, and HTTP sessions)
- ssi — implements up to four serial synchronous interface (SSI) channels, supports SPI, I²C, clock/data, etc.
- stor — provides access to the EEPROM
- sys — in charge of general device functionality
- wln — handles the Wi-Fi interface (requires GA1000 add-on module)
- Variable Types: Byte, char, integer (word), short, dword, long, real, string, plus user-defined arrays and structures
- Function Groups: 27 string functions, eight date/time conversion functions, encryption/hash calculation functions (AES128, RC4, MD5, SHA-1), and more