C2 "Wide" Tibbits

With double the width of C1 modules, C2 Tibbits are wide enough to house DB9 connectors and nine-terminal-block banks. They occupy two "C" sockets on the standard tile. C2 modules' width and height are equivalent to those of M2T devices. Tibbit "connectors" have hooks that hold onto the host board's edge, thus adding mechanical stability.
C2 devices are always orange and never have status LEDs.
I/O pins
C2 Tibbits have a single row of 11 pins:

Pins 1-4 and 8-11 are I/O lines that connect directly to the I/O lines of two adjacent "M" sockets. A single C2 module may connect to one M2 or two M1 modules.
Pin 5 is the +5V power pin. Most C2 devices only house connectors and do not require any power. Still, we are sure there will be uses for this power pin in the future.
Pin 6 is the ground pin.
Pin 7 is the +15V power pin. Again, this is reserved for future use.
As C2 devices have dedicated ground and power lines, they are not dependent on "M" Tibbits for power and ground, as C1 modules are. There is no provision for connecting –15V power, though. If any C2 device needs –15V, this must be supplied by the adjacent "M" device.