Device Explorer (Select/Manage Target)

The TIDE Select Target button.From TIDE: Debug > Select/Manage Target, or

The TIDE Project Settings button.File > Project Settings —> Select (button)

Directly from Windows: Windows Start > Tibbo > Tibbo IDE > Device Explorer

See also: Compiling, Uploading, Running

An annotated screenshot of Device Explorer.

Device Explorer is not a dialog, but a utility that installs alongside TIDE. It can be launched directly from Windows or called from within TIDE.

Once Device Explorer opens, it shows the list of discovered Tibbo devices. Click Refresh to re-scan the network.

Only devices connected to the local network segment will be detected. In other words, there must be no routers or bridges between your PC and your Tibbo device. Hubs and switches are OK.

If the list remains empty even after you click Refresh, see When You Can't See Your Target.

Selecting the Target

Device Explorer can be used to upgrade your device's firmware and perform several other management tasks, but its single most important feature is the Select button. This button is only visible when Device Explorer is called from within TIDE.

Highlighting a device in the list and clicking Select sets this device as the upload and debug target for the currently opened project.

The TIDE debug target icon.Device Explorer shows the currently selected target with a crosshairs icon.

Device List

Buttons That Work on the Currently Highlighted List Entry

Highlight a device by single-clicking it in the list, then click one of the buttons listed below.

Note that the Buzz, Reboot, and Upload... buttons will also work if you highlight multiple devices (this is achieved by clicking items while holding down [SHIFT] or [CTRL]).

Device Explorer Settings

The Settings button opens up the Settings dialog. You really don't need to concern yourself with this dialog unless you are experiencing problems or need to clear the password cache.

Device Explorer (Select/Manage Target)

Selecting the Target

Device List

Buttons That Work on the Currently Highlighted List Entry

Device Explorer Settings