DS1100 Platform

Hardware Devices Covered by This Platform

Memory Space and Key Info


17,920 bytes for application variables and data


327,680 bytes for application and data storage (shared flash memory)


200 bytes for application data

Platform type

16-bit platform

Clock frequency (CLOCK) and clock control

Frequency is fixed at 80MHz

Available network interfaces

Ethernet (net.), PPP (ppp.), PPPoE (pppoe.)(1)

GPIO type


UART limitations

Maximum practical baudrate of ~115,200bps

Serial port FIFOs

16 bytes for TX, 16 bytes for RX

Serial port line configuration

N/A (as CPU GPIO lines are bidirectional)

Serial port interrupts and io.intenabled


RTS/CTS remapping

Not supported(3)



Pulse-width Modulation (PWM)


GA1000 support


WA2000 support


GA1000 and WA2000 lines remapping

N/A (Wi-Fi not supported)

beep.divider calculation

N/A (buzzer not provided)

Recommended buzzer frequency divider

N/A (buzzer not provided)

Display type selection and line remapping

Display not supported

Special configuration section of the EEPROM

28 bytes for MAC and device password storage

Device serial number(6)

4 bytes, the number can't be changed

Flash memory configuration

Dedicated memory for firmware/application

Data cannot be stored in this memory

Self-upgrades for Tibbo BASIC/C applications

Not supported

Status LEDs (LED Control Lines)

Green status (SG) LED control line

Red status (SR) LED control line

Yellow Ethernet status (EY) LED control line

Debug communications

Ethernet / UDP Broadcast transport

Ethernet / WinPCap transport

  1. The sock.allowedinterfaces property refers to the Ethernet interface as "NET," Wi-Fi as "WLN," PPP as "PPP," and PPPoE as "PPPOE." The sock.targetinterface and sock.currentinterface properties rely on the pl_sock_interfaces enum, whose members differ depending on the platform.
  2. Surrounding board hardware dictates which GPIO lines must be used as inputs and which as outputs.
  3. CTS is permanently mapped to 0 — PL_INT_NUM_0 (0 — PL_IO_NUM_0_INT0). RTS is permanently mapped to 2 — PL_IO_NUM_2.

Supported Objects, Variable Types, and Functions

* Fully supported with the exception of fd.copyfirmware. Disabled by default — enable it in Project Settings -> Customize.

This platform supports the standard set of variable types and functions (a.k.a., "syscalls") except aes128enc and aes128dec. These AES128 functions are not present on the DS1100 platform.

Platform-Specific Constants

DS1100 Platform

Hardware Devices Covered by This Platform

Memory Space and Key Info

Supported Objects, Variable Types, and Functions

Platform-Specific Constants