Enum pl_io_num
Enum pl_io_num contains the list of constants that refer to available GPIO lines. Use these constants when selecting the line with the io. object (see the io.num property).
Note that GPIO lines are of bidirectional type and do not require explicit configuration as outputs or inputs.
Enum pl_io_num includes the following constants:
0 — PL_IO_NUM_0_CTS_INT0: |
General-purpose I/O line 0 (P0.0), also the CTS input of the serial port and the interrupt line 0. |
1 — PL_IO_NUM_1_DSR_INT1: |
General-purpose I/O line 1 (P0.1), also the DSR input of the serial port and the interrupt line 1. |
2 — PL_IO_NUM_2_RTS: |
General-purpose I/O line 2 (P0.2), also the RTS output of the serial port. |
3 — PL_IO_NUM_3_DTR: |
General-purpose I/O line 3 (P0.3), also the DTR output of the serial port. |
4 — PL_IO_NUM_4_DCD: |
General-purpose I/O line 4 (P0.4), also the DCD input of the serial port. |
5 — PL_IO_NUM_5: |
Not implemented. |
6 — PL_IO_NUM_6: |
Not implemented. |
7 — PL_IO_NUM_7: |
Not implemented. |
8 — PL_IO_NULL: |
This is a NULL line that does not physically exist. The state of this line is always detected as LOW. Setting this line has no effect. |