IB1005 and SB1005 (Digital I/O)
Featuring eight opto-isolated inputs and six relay outputs, the IB1005 + SB1005 board combination is perfect for automation, security, access control, and monitoring applications. An additional RS232/485 port further expands product capabilities.

The IB1005 is the main board in the pair and is connected to an NB10x0 network board by the IC1000 interboard cable. The SB1005 is a supplementary board that exists because a single IB1005 would not be able to accommodate all required circuitry and terminal blocks. In the board pair, the IB1005 carries isolated digital inputs and the RS232/485, while the SB1005 contains all relays.
The IB1005 and SB1005 are not meant to be used separately and should always be ordered together.
The IB1005 product includes the LB1001 LED board. The IB1005 and the LB1001 come assembled together and interconnected by the LC1000 cable. Therefore, you don't need to order the LB1001 and LC1000 separately when purchasing the IB1005.
All I/O lines of the IB1005 + SB1005 are grouped into four terminal blocks (two per board), with nine terminals in each block. The boards are controlled by an EM1000 module located on the NB10x0. More information on specific IB1005 + SB1005 functionality is found in the Detailed Information section.
To simplify testing and evaluation of the product use the TB1005 test board.