On-Site (Close-Range) Management

OSS devices have no physical buttons. All close-range interaction with OSS devices happens through the OSS Companion app.

You can download the app here:

The app is available in:

Using the OSS Companion App

Once in the app, select the desired action:

All OSS actions start with NFC authentication. After the desired action is selected, the app will prompt you to bring your phone to an OSS device. Position the phone as shown on the drawing below. To reduce power consumption, the OSS' NFC interface is powered by your phone's field, which saves power but also reduces the NFC communications range. Touch the NFC logo on the OSS with the top side of your phone to get a reliable NFC interaction.

Simple actions only require an NFC exchange, and the action concludes as soon as this exchange is complete, usually within one second. Other actions are lengthier or interactive in nature. After the NFC authentication, these actions proceed on BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). BLE interface has a range of a few meters, so you don't have to hold your phone near an OSS device all the time.


Possible Actions

Here is what you can do with the app:

Possible OSS Companion App Actions


Starts with NFC?

Proceeds on BLE?


Wake Up



Wakes up the device if it is hibernating




Presents configuration screens to edit the device's settings (operating parameters)

Update Firmware



Uploads a new firmware file into the device




Resets the device. The device will emerge from reset in an active state, which is somewhat similar to the "Wake Up" action.

Set Password



Allows to set or change the device's password. The app remembers passwords for different OSS devices and inputs passwords automatically when known.

Additional Information

On-Site (Close-Range) Management

Using the OSS Companion App

Possible Actions

Possible OSS Companion App Actions

Additional Information