LTPP3(G2) Platform

Hardware Devices Covered by This Platform

Memory Space and Key Info


66,816 bytes for application variables and data


786,432 bytes for application storage, and separately

1,048,576 bytes for data storage (dedicated flash disk memory)


2,040 bytes for application data

GPIO type


UART limitations

Max practical baudrate ~921,600bps

7 bits/NO PARITY mode should not be used


Available through Tibbit modules

Pulse-width modulation (PWM)

Four channels supported

Display type

Display available via the HDMI port and framebuffer

Status LEDs (LED Control Lines)

Green status (SG) LED

Red status (SR) LED

Yellow Ethernet status (EY) LED

An LED bar consisting of five blue LEDs

Supported Objects, Variable Types, and Functions

This platform supports the standard set of variable types and functions (a.k.a. "syscalls").

Platform-Specific Constants

LTPP3(G2) Platform

Hardware Devices Covered by This Platform

Memory Space and Key Info

Supported Objects, Variable Types, and Functions

Platform-Specific Constants