.intnum Property


Sets/returns the number of the currently selected interrupt line.


Enum (pl_int_num, byte)

Value Range:

See the list of pl_int_num constants in the platform specifications.

See Also:

Working With Interrupts, Controlling Output Buffers


Before you can configure an I/O line to serve as an interrupt, you must first select it via the io.num property. Only after you have done this can you configure the I/O line as an interrupt via the io.intnum property.

For example:

Tibbo C
io.num = PL_IO_NUM_11;			// Set the I/O line to 11
io.enabled = NO;					// Set the I/O line as an input
io.intnum = PL_INT_NUM_7;		// Set the interrupt number to 7
io.intedge = INT_EDGE_BOTH;	// Set the interrupt edge to BOTH
io.intenabled = YES;				// Enable the interrupt

You can specify on which edge interrupts are generated via io.intedge. This property has a default value of 3 — BOTH in order to ensure backwards compatibility with applications developed for TiOS-based devices.

The selected interrupt line can be enabled or disabled using the io.intenabled property. A state change on enabled interrupt lines causes the on_io_int and on_io_int_line events to be generated.

Exception Safety

There are a few situations in which an exception may be thrown when getting or setting this property. For more information, see Handling Exceptions.

Getting the Property


Root Cause(s)


The selected interrupt line number is invalid.

Setting the Property


Root Cause(s)


  • The selected interrupt line number is invalid.
  • The selected interrupt line cannot be modified while in use.

.intnum Property


Exception Safety

Getting the Property

Setting the Property