#40-1~4, M1S: Digital Potentiometer (Four Nominals)

A blue M1S Tibbit.

Function: Digital potentiometer (5KΩ, 10KΩ, 50KΩ, and 100KΩ versions available)

Form factor: M1S

Category: Input/output module

Special needs: ---

Power requirements: 5V/10mA

Mates with: #19, #20, #21 (limited use)

See also: ---


Tibbit #40 is based on the MCP4561 digital POT IC from Microchip. This IC has an 8-bit resolution. Refer to the Microchip datasheet for operation details.


There is one red and one yellow LED. The red LED is connected to the SCL line of the I²C interface, while the yellow LED is connected to the SDA line.

Sample Project

The use of Tibbit #40 is illustrated by a Tibbo BASIC test project. You can find it here: https://github.com/tibbotech/CA-Test-Tibbit-40.

#40-1~4, M1S: Digital Potentiometer (Four Nominals)



Sample Project