Usage With the EM203 and EM1206

The RJ203 can also be used in combination with the EM203 Ethernet-to-serial module (documented in the Serial-Over-IP Solutions Manual) or the EM1206 Tibbo BASIC/C-programmable Ethernet module.
The connector pins of the EM203 and EM1206 are designed to mate with the RJ203's interface pads. The EM203/EM1206 fits "under" the RJ203 and partially within its recess area. This recess area is formed by the RJ203's translucent housing. When the EM203/EM1206 is combined with the RJ203, the status LEDs of the host module become positioned close to the translucent front wall and remain visible through the front face of the RJ203.
Detailed mechanical information can be found in the Mechanical Dimensions: RJ203+EM203 and Mechanical Dimensions: RJ230+EM1206 topics.