.scanresultssid R/O Property


After a scan (wln.scan or wln.activescan), this property will contain a comma-delimited list of discovered networks or the name of a particular network depending on how the scan was performed.



Value Range:

Up to 95 characters of data

See Also:

Scanning for Wi-Fi Networks, wln.scanresultbssid, wln.scanresultbssmode, wln.scanresultchannel, wln.scanresultrssi, wln.scanresultwpainfo


If wln.scan or wln.activescan was invoked with its ssid parameter left empty, this property will contain the list of all discovered networks.

If the ssid parameter specified a particular network and scanning found this network to be present, then this property will contain the name of this network (otherwise an empty string will be returned).

.scanresultssid R/O Property
