.scanresultbssmode R/O Property


After a successful scan for a particular network (wln.scan or wln.activescan with the SSID specified), this property will contain the network mode of this network.


Enum, byte

Value Range:

  • 0 — PL_WLN_BSS_MODE_INFRASTRUCTURE: wireless network with an access point
  • 1 — PL_WLN_BSS_MODE_ADHOC: device-to-device network without an access point

See Also:

Scanning for Wi-Fi Networks, wln.scanresultbssid, wln.scanresultchannel, wln.scanresultrssi, wln.scanresultssid, wln.scanresultwpainfo


Note that the WA2000 cannot associate with ad hoc networks or create its own ad hoc network.

.scanresultbssmode R/O Property
