.debugprint Method


Sends (prints) a string into TIDE's Output pane.


sys.debugprint(byref str as string)



See Also:





The data to send.


This method allows you to trace the execution of your application by printing messages in TIDE's Output pane.

This method only works when sys.runmode = 1 — PL_SYS_MODE_DEBUG. It is ignored when the application is compiled for release.

Note that sending debug messages significantly slows down execution. The VM sends a message and pauses. TIDE then sends a command to resume the execution. A single message can introduce a delay in the hundreds of milliseconds.

With the introduction of wireless debugging on the WM2000, you also need to take into account performance degradation due to UDP communications over Wi-Fi. If you have a significant amount of debug messages, TIDE must wait for replies from your device for each one, which can lead to slow performance.

TIDE doesn't automatically print each new message on a new line. Add CR/LF to your message to achieve this:

sys.debugprint("Point 1 reached"+chr(13)+chr(10)) 'one way to add CR/LF
sys.debugprint("Point 2, x="+str(x)+"\x0D\x0A") 
          'the second way to add CR/LF; 
          'this also demonstrates how the current value of some variable may be sent as well

.debugprint Method
