.sinkdata Property


For the currently selected socket (selection is made through sock.num), specifies whether the incoming data should be discarded.


Enum (yes_no, byte)

Value Range:

  • 0 — NO (default): normal data processing.
  • 1 — YES: discard incoming data.

See Also:

Sinking Data


Setting this property to 1 — YES causes the socket to automatically discard all incoming data without passing it to your application. The on_sock_data_arrival event will not be generated, reading sock.rxlen will always return zero, and so on. No data will be reaching its destination, even in case of buffer redirection. Inband commands, however, will still be extracted from the incoming data stream and processed. The sock.connectiontout and sock.toutcounter properties will work correctly as well.

A warning note icon.Do not enable buffer redirection for a socket using TLS encryption.

.sinkdata Property
