.parity Property


Sets/returns parity mode for the selected serial port (selection is made through ser.num)


Enum (pl_ser_parity, byte)

Value Range:

  • 0 — PL_SER_PR_NONE: no parity bit to be transmitted
  • 1 — PL_SER_PR_EVEN: even parity
  • 2 — PL_SER_PR_ODD: odd parity
  • 3 — PL_SER_PR_MARK: parity bit always at "1"
  • 4 — PL_SER_PR_SPACE: parity bit always at "0"

See Also:

UART Mode, Serial Settings


The mark parity option is equivalent to having a second stop bit (there is no separate property to explicitly select the number of stop bits).

This property is only relevant when the serial port is in the UART mode (ser.mode = 0 — PL_SER_MODE_UART).

.parity Property
