Development (Linux)

In this section of Tibbo Docs, we will teach you about developing Tibbo BASIC/C applications for Tibbo's Ubuntu-derived distribution running on the Size 3 Linux Tibbo Project PCB (LTPP3), Gen. 2. Like its TiOS-focused counterpart, this section is split into two primary parts: a guide and reference material.

A tip note icon.This documentation assumes that you are familiar with Tibbo BASIC/C and Linux. The fundamentals of programming or common engineering knowledge are also beyond the scope of this material.

The guide provides working examples to familiarize you with how Tibbo BASIC/C applications work in Linux. For these exercises, you'll need an LTPP3(G2), which you can acquire from Tibbo's online store. While the LTPP3(G2) can run native Linux applications, using Tibbo's framework helps you save development time by facilitating the porting of Tibbo BASIC/C applications.

The reference material mostly mirrors the content of its TiOS-based counterpart, except where the requirements of developing on Linux change how things work — such as with the io. Object.