TB1100 Terminal Block Adapter

The TB1100 is a RoHS 3 compliant DB9F-to-terminal block adapter. This DB9 breakout is housed in an attractive ABS enclosure and features nine screwless push-in terminal blocks. The TB1100 is an ideal companion for Tibbo's programmable serial controllers and device servers. The TB1100 directly connects nine pins of the DB9 to nine terminal blocks.
The TB1100 comes in two versions — "A" and "B" — which differ in the orientation of the DB9 connector. The DB9 on the "A" version has the "wide side up" orientation ("normal" orientation). The connector is rotated "wide side down" on the "B" version. These variants are designed to facilitate installation and improve accessibility.
The TB1100A is suitable for Tibbo products such as the DS1206, DS203, and DS100. The TB1100B is perfect for our DS1100, DS1101, DS1102, and WS1102 device servers. Either version of the TB1100 is an excellent companion for Tibbo's Web232 Board and IO Ninja Serial Tap.
The TB1100 is especially handy when used in RS422 or RS485 systems, where it is often necessary to wire directly to data cables.