Anatomy of Tibbo Libraries

Most Tibbo libraries are supplied as a pair of files — a .tbs file with all the code and a .tbh header file with declarations. Both must be added to your project.

Tibbo libraries consist of a set of procedures (subs and functions) that typically fall into three categories:

Virtually every library has a number of defines located in the .tbh (header) file of the library. Defines determine how the library operates — they are library "options." Each define looks like this:


Libraries that come with configurators take care of all defines automatically. Just edit the stuff in the configurator and you are done. Some libraries don't have configurators, mostly because there isn't much to configure. With such libraries you need to add your own #define statements as described in the documentation.

Do not edit library header files! Instead, put your #define statements into the global.tbh file, like this:

#define DHCP_DEBUG_PRINT 1 'this overrides the default value, which is 0
include "dhcp\trunk\dhcp.tbh"