Setting WEP Mode and Key

The wln.setwep method allows you to specify the WEP mode and key. Note that wln.setwep is an immediate task and there is a certain correct way of handling tasks.

The wln.setwep method will be rejected (return 1 — REJECTED) if the Wi-Fi add-on module is not booted property (wln.enabled = 0 — NO).

The mode can be either DISABLED, WEP64, or WEP128. The WEP key is entered as a HEX string, not an ASCII string. Each character in a string represents one HEX digit: 0~9 or A~F (a~f). The key has a fixed length: 10 HEX digits for WEP-64 or 26 HEX digits for WEP-128. If your key is too short, it will be padded with zeroes. If the key is too long, it will be truncated.

Here is the code example that sets the Wi-Fi to WEP128 mode:

'set WEP128
wln.setwep("11111111111111111111111111",PL_WLN_WEP_MODE_128) 'we love to choose difficult keys

Wi-Fi devices routinely define four WEP keys, but Tibbo hardware only uses a single key (key 1).

Note that the WEP mode and key can't be changed while the Wi-Fi interface is in the associated state (wln.associationstate = 1 — PL_WLN_ASSOCIATED) or is running its own network (wln.associationstate = 2 — PL_WLN_OWN_NETWORK).

A tip note icon.You need to call wln.setwep every time before associating with an access point or starting your own network. If you are switching from an access point using WEP security to another access point with no security or WPA security, you still need to execute wln.setwep("",PL_WLN_WEP_MODE_DISABLED)!