.autoconnect Property


Indicates whether the device will automatically initialize all connectivity hardware and attempt to associate with a designated Wi-Fi network, maintain the connection, and reconnect if disconnected.


Enum (no_yes, byte)

Value Range:

  • 0 — No (default)
  • 1 — Yes

See Also:

wln.autoconnectssid, wln.autoconnectpassword, wln.dhcp, wln.boot


A tip note icon.This property is only available on the WM2000 and the WS1102.

This property is read at boot and must be set to 1 — YES to enable wireless debugging (sys.debugmode = PL_SYS_DBG_NET).

This property requires wln.autoconnectssid and wln.autoconnectpassword to provide the desired Wi-Fi network SSID and password, respectively. After altering either of those properties, the device must be rebooted for the changes to take effect.

If wln.autoconnect is disabled, wln.dhcp must be called before wln.boot to enable DHCP functionality in the traditional Wi-Fi operating mode.

When wln.autoconnect is enabled, association with a wireless network will trigger the generation of the on_wln_event handler with PL_WLN_EVENT_ASSOCIATED as the value of the wln_event parameter. If wln.autoconnect is set to 0 — NO, association with the network will not trigger the event handler's generation.

As this is a Device Configuration Block (DCB) property, changing its values requires that the device be restarted for the changes to take effect.

.autoconnect Property
