.newpll Method


Sets new state of the PLL.


sys.newpll(newpllstate as off_on)



See Also:





Specifies what state the PLL will be in after the device emerges from internal reset:

  • 0 — OFF: PLL will be off, the device will emerge from reset at low speed with reduced power consumption
  • 1 — ON: PLL will be on, the device will emerge from reset at maximum speed, x8 faster than low speed


The actual PLL mode change only takes place after you "self-reset" the device using the sys.reboot method or the device self-resets due to some other reason (for instance, there is a self reset after a new Tibbo BASIC/C application upload or when you hit the "restart" button in TIDE). External resets — power-up and RST pin reset (using the reset button) — set the PLL to the default state (typically ON). On some devices, there is a hardware jumper that defines the post-external reset state of the PLL.

Not all Tibbo devices have PLL — to find out if yours does, refer to its platform documentation (for example, the EM1000's is here).

A warning note icon.Notice that the PLL mode affects other objects — for example, the baudrates of ser. object (this is why there is a ser.div9600 property) and the frequency generated by the beep. object.

.newpll Method
