.inconmode Property


For the currently selected socket (selection is made through sock.num), specifies whether incoming connections (passive opens) will be accepted and, if yes, from which sources.


Enum (pl_sock_inconmode, byte)

Value Range:

  • 0 — PL_SOCK_INCONMODE_NONE (default): The socket does not accept any incoming connections.
  • 1 — PL_SOCK_INCONMODE_SPECIFIC_IPPORT: The socket will only accept an incoming connection from specific IP (matching sock.targetip) and specific port (matching sock.targetport)
  • 2 — PL_SOCK_INCONMODE_SPECIFIC_IP_ANY_PORT: The socket will only accept an incoming connection from specific IP (matching sock.targetip), but any port.
  • 3 — PL_SOCK_INCONMODE_ANY_IP_ANY_PORT: The socket will accept an incoming connection from any IP and any port.

See Also:

sock.reconmode, sock.localportlist, sock.httpportlist