Event Logging Configuration for the VSP (<log> section)

<Log> section describes the logging options for events generated by the VSP. Notice, that the <log> section within the VSP section itself (i.e. inside <VSP> .... </VSP> ) defines logging options for this particular VSP only. Logging options can also be defined for the VSPdaemon itself

The section has the following syntax:

< log [ type=" syslog |pipe |file"] level="EMR |ALR |ERR |WRN |NTC |INF |DBG" [ path="path"]/>

Type parameter defines the output destination for the event.  If type is set to "syslog", all events are logged to a syslog facility "USER".  If omitted, this parameter defaults to "syslog".

Level parameter defines the type of event for which this entry is created. Standard level names are used.

Path parameter is only needed when type="pipe" or "file" and defines the file to which events will be saved or a program that will accept events into its STDIN. 

Because each entry in the format shown above specifies logging only for one type of events ( level ) the configuration file can have several entries, for example:

   &lt;log type="file" level="EMR" path="var\/dev.0.log"\/&gt;

   &lt;log type="file" level="ALR" path="var\/dev.0.log"\/&gt;

   &lt;log type="file" level="CRT" path="var\/dev.0.log"\/&gt;

   &lt;log type="file" level="ERR" path="var\/dev.0.log"\/&gt;

   &lt;log type="file" level="WRN" path="var\/dev.0.log"\/&gt;

   &lt;log type="file" level="NTC" path="var\/dev.0.log"\/&gt;

   &lt;log type="file" level="INF" path="var\/dev.0.log"\/&gt;

In general, we recommend you to keep the list of logged events like the one shown above. Logging "DBG" events is not necessary.