Programming in Progress


Message text:Out-of-band (UDP) network programming session is in progress;

       Inband (TCP) network programming session is in progress;

       The DS is in the serial programming mode

Corresponding status icon:idsman_programming
May appear in:Auto-discovery and address book access modes


Three separate status messages are displayed for three possible forms of DS programming: serial , out-of-band (UDP) , and inband (TCP) . Serial programming is considered to be in progress whenever the serial port of the DS is in the serial programming mode . Out-of-band (UDP) or  inband (TCP) programming session is considered to be in progress after the network host has logged in using a corresponding access method (out-of-band or inband)- see authentication *. Inband (TCP) access method is only used in the address book mode (see access parameters for the address book mode ).

All three forms of programming are mutually exclusive- see programming priorities

Programmer's info:

The DS Manager collects DS status information (and detects DS presence) using the Echo (X) command . Whether or not any form of programming is in progress is determined from the state of the s flag in the command response. Network logins are performed using the Login (L) command .

* Just sending commands that do not require prior login does not constitute a programming session.