Reset Upload Process (Q) command [Release 3.5]


(see command description format info here)

Function:Reset application firmware upload into the data FLASH memory of the DS
Can be issued through:Network (broadcasts ignored*, login required). UDP only, TCP/Telnet not supported.
Command format:Q
Possible replies:A, D
First introduced:Earlier than "baseline" V3.51, not supported by Release3 firmware branch
See also:NetLoader


This command is only used on second-generation Devices (i.e. it is implemented on Release3.5 firmware only).

Reset Upload Process command initializes application firmware file upload into the data FLASH memory of the DS. This command should always be used before upload itself, which is performed with Upload Data Block (D) command . To make the DS upgrade the contents of its program FLASH (i.e. copy the application from the data FLASH into the program FLASH) two other commands should be used: Set Programming Request Flag (N) , followed by Reboot (E) .

This command requires prior login using the Login (L) command (programming session must be opened). Denied (D) reply code is returned if the programming session is not in progress or if it doesn't belong to the sender of the command- the DS remembers the IP-address of the network host that opens the programming session and requires that all subsequent commands (that require prior login) are sent from the same IP.

* Without prior selection using Select In Broadcast Mode (W) command.